Hybrid at HighEdWeb

Come and talk to us about how we're using tech, AI and digital innovation to drive student engagement that leads to enrollment. We're helping our partners leverage their social media content to have better conversations with prospective students through Reeled.

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We are Hybrid

Connecting with your audiences. Driving recruitment outcomes. Advancing higher ed brands.

Actionable insights. Proprietary technology. More intelligent enrollment marketing strategies.

Hybrid CoLab — Bespoke research for better engagement.

Custom student surveys, interviews, workshops, and persona development to understand your audiences on a deeper level. With this primary data, we build content strategies that achieve more meaningful connections with your prospective students.

Cohort Explorer — Predictive data modeling for enhanced student targeting.

Hybrid’s unique audience mapping tool tracks student populations, demographic distribution and market share, calculating your ‘future opportunities’ for enrollment. Cohort Explorer collates and analyzes data from a wide range of sources and turns it into actionable targeting recommendations

Student Match AI — Leveraging AI to drive conversions.

Our machine learning tool combines historical datasets, channel performance and online audience behavior to continually optimize campaign performance. Student Match AI matches content, channel selection and ad schedules with unique audience profiles and drivers.

REELED — Enhancing user experiences.

REELED integrates your social media reels with your web pages, allowing students to view your most compelling content without leaving your website. This tool fills a key gap in students’ digital journeys.

Our Work